Weight of Cloud (HC17ST)





The cloud-shape cement seat allows you to sit comfortably.
The legs are made of solid iron rods with precision solder joints 
and powder paint, it can be used outdoors.

The chair has three colors: black, gray and white cement, 
and there are two heights choices.

When you sit on the Cloud Stool, you can dream of daydreaming. 
The coverage of the stool surface creates a comfortable sitting feeling, 
and even if you sit for a long time, you will not feel uncomfortable.

雲朵椅 Weight of Cloud


椅腳:粉體烤漆鐵腳(純黑/銅砂)/ PWP 精密焊點技術

HC17ST 雲朵椅


椅腳占地面積 37 X 30 cm,椅面 38 X 30 cm
椅面前緣高度約 43 cm,總高 47 cm
外箱包裝 45 X 38 X 55 cm
重量:N.W. 7.5 ± 0.5 / G.W. 9 ± 0.5 kg

承重:180 kgw

Cloud Stool - Weight of Cloud
Material:Concrete , Iron , Silica Sand
Size:38 x 31 x 48 ±1 / Packaged 45 x 38 x 55 cm
Weight:N.W. 7.5 ± 0.5 / G.W. 9 ± 0.5 kg

Handmade in Taiwan



椅腳占地面積 42 X 35 cm,椅面 38 X 30 cm
椅面前緣高度約 73 cm,總高 77 cm
外箱包裝 49 X 44 X 86 cm
重量:N.W. 9.7 ± 0.5 / G.W. 11 ± 0.5 kg

承重:180 kgw

Weight of Cloud  - Cloud Bar Stool 
Material:Concrete , Iron , Copper , Silica Sand
Size:42 x 35 x 77 ±1 / Packaged 49 x 44 x 86 cm
Weight:N.W. 9.7 ± 0.5 / G.W. 12 ± 0.5 kg

Handmade in Taiwan

This Cloud Stool is not only for indoor use but also suitable for outdoor use. Don’t worry about the sun and rain. 

**It should be noted that the cement material cannot be dropped or fall, and it is also forbidden to strike with any hard object.**

灰雲 Grey Cloud

黑雲 Black Cloud
白雲 White Cloud

黑砂 Sand Black 鐵腳 / PWP 精密焊點技術
純黑 Pure Black 鐵腳 / PWP 精密焊點技術
黑砂(左)/ 純黑(右)鐵腳 / PWP 精密焊點技術
黑砂(左)/ 純黑(右)鐵腳
純黑 / 黑砂鐵腳