ZL201220045991.1 (PROC Patent), M433143 (ROC Patent)
can be separated into two identical parts (L shape)
and then re-organized into forms
like square, rectangle and the others.
Each part can
also be used individually.
The magnetically combined
one is for people to work together or for dinner utility, and the
separated one is for people who need some privacy or working alone. Any combined
shapes of the table have leg/chair space.It can be
dining tables, desks, conference tables or working tables at home or commercial
space for dynamic using scenario.
長方桌 Squarectable (HC21SR)
依傳統原木榫卯作法,由兩個相同單元組成,可依空間及使用目的組合成正方型、長方型或是其他型式的桌子,適合於居家或商業空間,作為餐桌、書桌、會議桌、工作桌等多人使用的桌子;單獨使用時可作牆角邊桌,或藉分離提供隱私性,桌子下方可收納椅子(方桌可收納 4 張椅子,長桌可收納 6 張椅子),桌腳附有輪子方便移動;桌面下方共有6個抽屜。
Set Size (cm):
height: 76
square: 105 x 105
rectangle: 158 x 70
Unit Net Weight (kg):
frame: 18.5
drawer x 3: 7.5
Total Weight: 52